Thirteen individuals, including a youngster, passed on after they supported consume wounds.

Dhaka: A gas pipeline blast almost a mosque in Bangladesh killed 13 individuals and harmed 30 as admirers were going to end their supplications, authorities said on Saturday.

The blast, which fire administration authorities suspect was brought about by spillage from the pipeline, happened on Friday night at a mosque in Narayanganj area, simply outside the capital Dhaka.

Handfuls were raced to Dhaka’s state-run specific consume and plastic-medical procedure clinic, the greater part of them with extreme consumes.

Thirteen individuals, including a youngster, passed on after they continued consume wounds, said Samanta Lal Sen, organizer of the consume unit. The loss of life could rise further the same number of them were in basic conditions, he said.

Fire authorities said gas that collected in the mosque after pipeline releases probably set off the impacts.

“We principally presume that gas spilled from the pipeline and amassed inside the mosque since the windows were closed. At the point when the forced air systems was turned on, because of sparkles the gas could have detonated,” said Abdullah Al Arefin, a senior fire administration official.

Each of the six forced air systems in the mosque detonated during the occurrence, he said.

Specialists have propelled an examination concerning the occurrence.